Catching Up On Awards!

Hello readers!  I’m taking this Wednesday to kind of quickly post and acknowledge some of the awards I have been given.  I know, I know, it has taken me a while to get around to this (sorry!) but I do appreciate each and every award I get. It’s an honor to be considered amid all the wonderful bloggers on here, so a huge THANK YOU!!!!



Nominated by: SkinConcierge MaikoThe World of Cos, PlusBeauty, Glam with Sam, Megan Has OCD, Jennifer Leigh G

Very Inspiring


Nominated by: Talking About Beauty, SkinConcierge Maiko, The Avon Insider, Briana1010

beautiful blogger


Nominated by: Chanelle, Thoughts and Things, Cuppa Sunshine and Sugar, CariadCarys, Coffee N Notes


Nominated: Try Me Pretty, 4 Year Old Adult,

Thank the person who nominated you and add their link to your blog.

List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.

State 7 things about yourself.

Nominate 15 other bloggers.

Contact your nominees and provide a link to your post.

Display the award logo (button) on your blog, whether on your sidebar or about page, or special award page.

Below are 7 facts about me! 

1) Somehow I always manage to get sick or have motion sickness on trips.

2) I am fluent in Spanish and can both read and write it; in fact, I once drafted a mini script all in Spanish for an assignment and really enjoyed it. Need to get back into practicing it though. 🙂

3) I find snails absolutely terrifying and creepy.

4) Lois Duncan and Joan Lowery Nixon were two authors whose books I couldn’t stop reading during my teenage years. Locked in Time is still one of my favorites of all time.

5) I am signed up to to take a Cosmetic Chemistry course at UCLA this month and I am beyond thrilled.

6) I have this weird thing where I am intuitive to certain people. I can feel their emotions and know things about them without them telling me.  I do not pick what individuals I have these strong ties too but it’s kind of eerie at times to say the least. It freaks people out, and me. By chance, does anyone else have this or know why this happens?

7) One talent I wish I had was the ability to sing.

Hope you enjoyed those 7 random facts about me and make sure to check out the blogs mentioned above;you’ll get lifestyle, health, poetry, writing and more beauty tips. 🙂

Thanks for tuning in,
